*** Donation For WooCommerce *** 2021-04-15- version 2.2.1 * FIXED - Some string translation issues with loco translation. * FIXED - parameter issue in "woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link". * Improvement - Order status for recurring donation. 2021-03-09- version 2.2 * FIXED - Round Off popup limited to checkout page only. * FIXED - "Never expire" option in Subscription length for recurring donation. * IMPROVEMENT - Hide meta values for donation product from cart and order and email. * ADDED - Introduct new filter to show meta values on cart page 'wc_donation_before_display_meta_on_cart' taking two parameters $item_data, $cart_item. * ADDED - Introduct new filter to show meta values on order admin page 'wc_donation_hidden_order_itemmeta' taking one parameter $item_meta. * ADDED - Introduct new filter to show meta values on order frontend 'wc_donation_hidden_order_frontend_itemmeta' taking one parameter $temp_metas, $formatted_meta. 2021-01-05- version 2.1 * ADDED - Edit placeholder text of other input field by using filter - "wc_donation_other_amount_placeholder", $placeholder, $min_amount, $max_amount * ADDED - Donation Goals Feature * ADDED - Added donation post id in parameters of action "wc_donation_before_single_add_donation" & "wc_donation_after_single_add_donation" * IMPROVEMENT - Donation label can be empty if user donot want to show. * FIXED - Donation single page layout fixed. * FIXED - Donation Order Ajax issue. * FIXED - Gutenberg Block added for campaign shortcode. 2020-12-28- version 2.0.2 * FIXED - Place same campaign in widget & shortcode in same page. 2020-12-08- version 2.0.1 * IMPROVEMENT - Remove WC Donation slug from donation product title. * IMPROVEMENT - Show error on amount field min amount & max amount. * IMPROVEMENT - UI Fix for other amount field. * FIXED - Donation amount on minicart. * ADDED - Shipping Charge will not Apply on donation products. 2020-12-01- version 2.0.0 * IMPROVEMENT - New UI for admin setting. * ADDED - Create donation campaign with individual settings. * ADDED - Each campaign has their own shortcode. * ADDED - No need to create individual product for campaign. * ADDED - Compatible with previous version. * ADDED - Show total donations of each campaign. * ADDED - Show No. of donations of each campaign. * ADDED - Show donation as a product on shop page. * ADDED - Show donation single page. * ADDED - Recurring Donation compatible with Woocommerce Subscription. * ADDED - Compatible with WC Currency Switcher 2020-08-13- version 1.2.2 * IMPROVEMENT - css for donation on cart page. * FIXED - WMPL Compatible issue for cart and checkout donation. * FIXED - Roundoff issue. 2020-08-11- version 1.2.1 * ADDED - WPML compatible. 2020-07-01- version 1.2 * FIXED - jQuery confliction. * ADDED - enable/disable option for donation to show on cart page. * ADDED - Option added to show both custom value and predefined value for donation. * ADDED - Option to set multiplier for round off donation before checking out. * ADDED - Total donation value on order page wp admin. * ADDED - Option to define product as donation product. * ADDED - make compatible with WC Currency Switcher 1.0.0. * ADDED - decimal and comma in user defined amount. * ADDED - predefined campaign will be show as readonly to get user know on which campaign they are donating. * ADDED - translation support. 2020-06-01- version 1.0.3 * FIXED - shortcode issue with gutenberg editor fixed. 2020-04-27- version 1.0.2 * ADDED - Add skip button in roundoff popup to skip roundoff donation. 2020-04-25 - version 1.0.1 * ADDED - BG color for button. * ADDED - Text color for button. * ADDED - Text label for button. * ADDED - Label for donation field. * ADDED - Donation Widget. * ADDED - Add different layouts for amount. * ADDED - shortcode "[wc_woo_donation]"for Donation Product. * ADDED - Round Off donation on Checkout Total With Popup Style. * IMPROVEMENT - Design and css. 2020-03-17 - version 1.0.0 * Initial release.